Project details

Technical Data

  • Height: 222 m
  • Number of storeys: 52+4
  • Gross floor area: 90.000 m2


The structure for this building consists of a central concrete core and an outer ring of columns, both of which –core and columns- are actively connected through an upper outrigger. The floors are made of concrete with downstand concrete beams, with no inner columns between the facade columns and the core.

The main apparent feature of the building consists on the slight inclination of the facade columns, which gives rise to the variable shape of the facade as it rises to the top of the tower. The inclination of these columns conform polygonal arches along their path, each of them contained in a vertical plane.

These polygonal arches are the same for each column, although vertically displaced between adjacent columns. This gives rise to the variable shape of the facades, with indentations along its line generating striking “cuts” in the smoothly curved shape.