Conference about the project with Eurocodes in the State Road Network

We are wating you at the conference about THE PROJECT WITH EUROCODIGES IN THE STATE ROAD NETWORK

Next Thursday morning, May 23rd, The Professional Association of Civil Engineers (Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos) and the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility (Ministerio de Transporte y Movilidad Sostenible) are organizing a conference about “The project with Eurocodes in the State Road Network”.

Current engineering topics will be discussed, such as the present regulations for the design of bridges in the State Road Network, the future 2nd Generation Eurocodes, the presentation of the new guides of the Eurocodes set, the specifications of materials according to the Eurocodes and the design of rubber bearings and seismic isolators based on European product standards. Some of these topics will be presented by our technical director Alvaro Serrano Corral and our colleague Guillermo Blanco Fernández, together with recognized experts in the field.

You may register remotely or in person (Agustín de Betancourt auditorium of the ICCyP headquartes). Sign up at the following free registration link:

El proyecto con Eurocódigos en la Red de Carreteras del Estado – Actualidad – Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos Canales y Puertos (

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